Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Week 8 of the photo a day challenge

The theme for week 8 was Toys, but not just toys lying around being toys, we had to stage the toys in the way they were meant to be played with or what they represented. It also didn't just mean kids toys, anything you used for entertainment or to pass the time was allowed too, so some people posted pictures of their new coffee machine or a sewing machine.

So the week started with day 48 and a shot of Archie's soldiers shooting a dinosaur.....

Followed by a shot of Emily's babies in bed with their toes sticking out. This was inspired by a photo someone used in 'threes' week of their three children's feet in a similar pose

Day 50 and Emily's Peppa and George pigs were lined up watching telly

Day 51 and I was inspired by Emily playing with Peppa Pig in the bath, so I nicked Peppa and some of Emily's doll's house furniture and got down on the floor in the bathroom - I think the kids really started to think I was crazy at this point!

On Day 52 I decided to use one of my 'toys' a metal figurine I have of the Wizard of Winter, bought for me by one of my best school friends many many years ago

For Day 53, Archie and I built a amusement park in his room, out of a train track. The visitors go around on trains past the 'wild animal' section, the 'London' section, the 'farm' section, the 'people' section and the 'monsters' section. We even added a car park. I took this picture using the wide angle lens that came with my macro lens on my iPhone

And on the last day of Toy week I did 'soldiers hide and seek' and hid 10 soldiers on my kitchen worktop while preparing tea and get everyone to try and spot them all

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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