Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Week 10 of the photo a day challenge

The theme for week 10 was "Landscapes" the idea here was that we do landscapes (including cityscapes and seascapes) now in the winter months and redo it in the summer months to see what a difference the sun makes. The only rule was the picture had to be in landscape format (rather than portrait)

Again, working full time, I thought I might struggle this week but still managed to get a photo a day.

So for Day 62, which was the Sunday, I didn't get to go out and realised just as we were losing the light at tea time that I still needed a photo. So I went to the attic bedroom of my 4 story house and took a picture over the rooftops from the skylight. It was a bit grey and dreary so I zoomed right in and used snapseed to edit it to try make it a bit more interesting

On the Monday (Day 63) I walked back from dropping my son off at school, along the Trans Pennine Trail (which has since become the source of many of my photographs) and took a shot overlooking Barnsley and the football ground. Again it was grey and dreary so I played around with editing options in snapseed to get a more interesting picture

For Day 64 I took a photo out of the window next tony desk at work, it was a miserable foggy day as you can tell from the photo. I added a frame in snapseed

For my Day 65 submission I asked if I could use a shot I'd taken at the end of the week before as I hadn't had chance to get anything during daylight hours. This photo I had taken as a practise shot for landscape week when I saw the beautiful sunset on my way home one night. I had been hoping to retake it, but the weather this particular week was so rubbish and foggy that a retake was just not possible

The best I could do on Day 66 was a really rubbish shot taken from the train, I had tried a few shots, but they were all blurry and boring and grey. This was the best one I'd got and I really went to town with editing in snapseed

I was happier with Day 67's photo, taken from a little secret window on my platform in Leeds train station

And finally, to finish the week, another shot from the train on a foggy day, though I quite like it in black and white, which I did in snapseed again

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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