Saturday, 22 June 2013

Week 25 of the photo a day challenge

The theme this week was "people / crowds" but as usual there was a twist. This was our first official street photography exercise. We had to take pictures of strangers! I of course I checked out google images for street photography and there's some amazing images. So I aimed for that style which means most of my pictures can't be described as a crowd!

On Sunday I took Emily into town and we saw this man making a dog out of sand

On Monday we passed this chap cleaning the streets on the way to school, I wonder what the ladies behind the rails are taking about

Tuesday's picture is the Blue Rinse Brigade, three little white haired old ladies having a rest on a bench. I wonder if they were all together or had just navigated to the same bench randomly. They look like triplets with their hair. But what I really love about this picture is the man I caught running past, I had no idea he was there - that's the essence of street photography!

On Wednesday I got caught! The train I was on stopped for ages and these guys we working on the track beside us. I took a quick snap through the train window, inspected it and then looked back at them to find they were all looking at me and grinning. I realised to my horror that my phone's flash was on! Given that a train looks dark when you're on the outside looking in, I guess the guy in the middle of the shot - the one looking right at the camera, must have seen the flash and told the others I'd taken a picture of them!

Thursday's shot I took while waiting for a train, I was stood quite close to this guy but tried not to make it obvious I was taking a picture. It was a really bright day and love the high contrast that came out naturally in this picture.

I managed to get out of the office on Friday lunch time and couldn't resist this pregnant lady with her rather striking dress

My best shot of the week though was on Saturday, as soon as I realised what was about to happen I whipped my phone out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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