Sunday, 9 June 2013

Week 14 of the photo a day challenge

The theme this week was "plant life" so speaks for itself really. We were told to try and use some of the techniques we'd learnt so far, such as macro, editing etc. as the weather was getting a bit warmer too there were plenty of buds and flowers popping up which were featuring heavily in the posts so I decided to try and avoid them and use less obvious things.

The week started with Day 90 and we were having cabbage for Sunday lunch, so while preparing it I held a leaf up to the patio window to let the light shine though. This one is unedited.

Day 81 - a photo of some yellow dangly things on a tree (I want to call these catkins but I'm not sure if that's their name). I used an app called InstaSplash which puts your picture in black and white and lets you add the colour back in selectively, frame added in Pixlr

Day - 92, I'd been bought some flowers from work when I changed jobs the week before and they were fully open and looking really pretty. I took a close up of this rose and edited it in pixlr. I was chuffed to bits when someone said they'd put this on a canvas and put it on their living room wall.

Day 93 - I used this shot of a rather interesting tree which I had taken on the Sunday when we were out as I hadn't had chance to get anything better today.

Day 94 - another tree picture, taken on the walk home from the kids' school. I was trying to use the branches to separate the cloud from from the sky.

Day 95 - I went out into the garden first thing and there was frost everywhere. It was making beautiful patterns on the tulip leaves so I ran back in to get my phone.

Day 96 - a bright and sunny day for once! Pottering around the garden I spotted this bright green bubbly sludge in one of the flower pots I neglected to empty before the winter. I loved the colours in the bright sunshine

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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